
Main Activities

As a company that tries to give back to the global environment, BGF Retail strives to build an eco-friendly value chain and provide eco-friendly products and services.

Main activities

Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions

BGF Retail has established a goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to minimize the environmental impact of greenhouse gases generated throughout the business supply chain. BGF Retail carries out various activities such as high energy efficiency of the logistics center and store infrastructure, network efficiency, and renewable energy production to achieve environmental goals at the company level, and is striving to gradually reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Reducing Plastic/Disposable Product Usage

To reduce waste generated by the use of plastic packaging materials and disposable products, BGF Retail is gradually improving the eco-friendliness packaging materials. In particular, we are testing the production of packaging materials, which are one of the main causes of plastic emissions, with materials that are more eco-friendly, such as biodegradable resins and paper materials, and in 2021, we launched the industry's first label-free PB bottled water with significantly reduced packaging material.

Reducing Waste and Expanding Recycling

BGF Retail strives to minimize environmental impacts through efforts such as business activities and minimization and recycling of waste generated in the supply chain. In addition to the production and introduction of recycled decks using coffee grounds, we are operating a “green save service system” that sells franchise products nearing their expiration date and products with poor sales at a discount, and in cooperation with convenience food manufacturers, we have established and are operating a reduction process to minimize waste such as food raw materials.

Ecofriendly Management Together

BGF Retail pursues environmental management together with franchise owners, employees, customers, local communities, and NGOs. We encourage environmental practices in real life through campaigns such as our “Eco-friendly 3L Campaign” with employees and franchisees, and strive to solve environmental issues in the local community through social contribution activities such as “Creating Urban Forests” and “Creating Anti-Yellow Dust-Desertification Paperless Forests”. In addition, for eco-friendly practices that everyone participates in, BGF Retail is serving as a messenger to promote environmental policies to the public and guide correct environmental practices based on business agreements signed with environmental organizations such as the Ministry of Environment and Environment and Energy Corporation.